Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Message: Remember and Honor

Nine years ago, an infamous event took place which shook the foundation of our nation and put to test the very character of who we are as a people.  Still today, we struggle in our effort to reconcile this event with our vision for the future. It is a struggle that brings out the best and at times the worst in us.

We are a diverse culture of people representing every aspect of the human experience.  We are a people united by a common belief in the ideals of liberty, justice, equality, and opportunity.  We are a nation tempered by the fire of intolerance and steeled by the understanding that an injustice against one is in fact an injustice against all.

And so, on September 11, 2001, the injustice inflicted on this nation by acts of hatred caused a reaction which has led us on a journey of national rediscovery.  Who are we as a people and society?  What are our hopes and dreams for the future?

We must remember and honor all those who perished on 9/11.  We thought healing could be attained by seeking retribution in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We thought healing could be attained by turning the ashes of the Twin Towers into a national memorial.  We thought healing would come with time.

Yet, there are those among us who do not want to be healed, and they do not want the rest of us to be healed either.  They, like the perpetrators of 9-11, are consumed with hate.  And hate, begets hate.

We are better than this as a people and a society.  Yes, perpetrators must be held responsible for the consequences of their actions.  But we do not condemn a people or a religion for the actions of a few, lest we too want to be condemned.  We must lead as always by showing the world that the United States is strong through its compassion and commitment to peace.

We face many and serious issues today.  We must have a vision of leadership for the future that pursues economic and social justice here at home while reaching out to create a community of nations around the world.  We must be about preparing a better world for our children and grandchildren.  This is the legacy we must seek.

We must never forget 9/11.  We must remember the lessons learned about the fruits of hatred.  We must then honor those who perished on that sad and tragic day by moving on with the unfinished work of building a great nation and a peaceful world.

~ Bill

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Message

As we turn to Labor Day on Monday, September 6, we must take time to consider the American worker and the manner in which labor has created this magnificent nation we all enjoy. It is through labor that the United States achieved the highest standard of living in the world. It was the labor movement that took the lead in advancing the cause of economic and social justice. It is labor that serves as the backbone of our country.

Abraham Lincoln said of labor, “Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” Yet, despite Lincoln’s wisdom, we have allowed a society to emerge where capital controls labor.

Labor Day should be a time to reflect on the importance of action. For over thirty years, the tide has run against the forces of labor. Deregulation and the weakening of labor laws have reduced labor unions to little more than a shadow of their once towering figure. While the power brokers of capital have seen their stature increase many fold, labor has gained little and in many cases lost everything.

The great labor struggles of the past are merely a reflection of the things to come. The great divide between the haves and the have not’s will be bridged when working men and women once again rise up and demand an equal seat at the table of this nations bounty. It is not about wanting more, but about wanting and deserving a fair share.

Working men and women have a right to organize as a means of protecting their vital interests through fair wages, benefits, and working conditions. Working men and women have a right to demand that trade agreements protect the best interest of all workers, consumers, and society. Working men and women have the right to strike as a means of redressing their grievances.

For far too long the scales of economic and social justice have been tilted in favor of the wealthy and privileged class in our society. It is time for these scales to be recalibrated to provide economic and social justice for all. It is time that we in this country demand that a rising tide lift all boats.

On September 6, let us all remember that Labor Day is not about a day off from labor, it is about a day to celebrate the magnificence of labor. It is a day to honor all of those hard working men and women who have and continue to work in the foundries, factories, and fields to make this nation great. It is a day to rededicate ourselves to the task of giving labor “the higher consideration” it so justly deserves.

~ Bill