Sunday, March 28, 2010

Even Now, Latham Continues to Howl Into the Wind

Tom Latham’s comments in the Des Moines Register on the passage of the Health Care Bill makes Iowans sound petty and self-serving. At what point does Tom Latham realize that Iowans are intelligent and compassionate people who understand the issues? The Health Care Bill will lead to lower health care costs, and it expands access to health care while protecting consumers from the abuses of the insurance industry.

Tom Latham’s attempt to distort the truth and play on people’s emotions won’t work with Iowans. He needs to get a grip, he was and is wrong. Latham is going to have to explain to his insurance industry friends that despite all their money, he was just not able to stop what is in the people's best interest. The people triumphed on this one!

As for Latham’s continued Washington bashing, he needs to stop the crap. He is a career Washington politician, so he needs to understand that when he points his finger at Washington, three are pointing back at him. Besides, Iowans need and deserve a representative who can think and speak for himself, not a John Boehner want-to-be.

As for the Health Care Bill, thank you to our fine Iowa Delegation who stood strong on behalf of the people of Iowa and the nation. To Leonard Boswell, Bruce Braley, Dave Loebsack, and Tom Harkin, I offer my heartfelt gratitude for a job well done!

~ Bill