Sunday, March 21, 2010

Latham's New Agenda

The other morning, I received an e-mail for immediate release from Tom Latham’s Office. As I read through this narrative entitled “Latham Restores the Concept of - We the People - to Form New Agenda For America’s Future,” I wondered what he has been doing all these years. This guy has been in Washington for the past 16 years, and he is now pretending to have discovered the concept of “We the People?”

From the beginning of the narrative, Tom Latham suggests he wants Iowans to share their ideas with him to form a new national agenda. What a novel idea, soliciting ideas from constituents! But to think that Tom Latham, the utmost follower of the far right, is interested in listening to anything his constituents have to say is a far stretch. He will listen - but only if you agree with him. The idea of a “new national agenda” is a buzz phrase for actually saying the agenda of the far conservative right. The new agenda is actually the same old agenda of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Boehner, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Steve King. If you doubt this, just check Latham’s voting record, it speaks for itself.

Tom Latham states, “It’s become obvious that Washington isn’t listening to the citizens of our country during one of the most difficult economic periods in memory.” Evidently Latham’s memory fails him, and he has forgotten that he is an embedded Washington politician. He has been in Washington longer than just about two-thirds of the members of the House of Representatives, and just exactly what does he have to show for all these years of service? Sixteen years of ignoring the best interest of hard working men, women, and their families, and now he wants to listen. After being part of the government (don’t forget the eight years he supported Bush) that created this economic mess, he wants you to help him clean it up.

Tom Latham calls this initiative to listen to his constituents a unique effort. Well, it probably is unique for him, but it is far from unique for true public servants who desire to serve the people. I find Tom Latham’s populist act disingenuous and insulting to Iowan’s intelligence. If Tom Latham truly wanted to listen to and serve the best interests of hard working men, women, and their families, his votes on critical issues such as jobs, education, energy, the environment, health care, equal pay, and other issues involving social and economic justice would have been different. Again, just check the record to see the truth about Tom Latham. Actions are far more important than words.

The key to this entire ruse being put forth by Tom Latham is found in the last sentence of the third paragraph of this press release, which says, “Congressman Latham intends to compile the ideas into a cohesive agenda that includes common-sense solutions for the country’s most pressing challenges that will not increase the size or cost of government.” This sentence is loaded with weasel words and phrases which will allow him to continue to do what he has always done, which is support the far right agenda and his special interest cronies. The “cohesive agenda” is the agenda of the far right. “Common-sense solutions” will be those that support Latham’s beliefs, not yours. The most pressing challenges are his to determine. The final disclaimer rests in pure Latham logic used for opposing everything, which is also found in his statement from the Des Moines Register of January 31, “He will not support anything that will increase the size or cost of government.” This is hypocrisy and lying at its best. Tom Latham was part of the largest increase in the size and cost of government in our history during the eight years he helped rubber-stamp the growth of government under George W. Bush. The suggestion that he is now the champion of frugality and small government is more manure than gets spread on all of Iowa’s crop land.

In the final paragraph of this press release, Tom Latham says, “If we act together, we can make a difference and start moving our country forward again.” What Tom Latham fails to understand is that in 2008, the mandate was for this country to move forward away from the awful leadership of the previous eight years. What he is suggesting has nothing to do with moving forward, but in actuality moving backward. I ask you, who wants to return to the eight years between 2001 and 2009?

The press release announces that a letter will be coming to outline this special project. Are you really impressed with a legislator who has taken 16 years to come up with this so-called novel idea? Do you really believe Tom Latham is looking to use your ideas, or is he looking to gather those ideas which agree with his already predetermined agenda? Why doesn’t Tom Latham have the courage to tell you what he really believes? Why is there such a difference between the things he says and the votes he casts?

There exists a great deal of concern over the state of politics in Washington. There is too much manipulation, conniving, and lying all for personal and party purposes. If you believe this, you cannot exonerate Tom Latham. A comparison of the things he says and the votes he cast will convince you that he is part of the problem. The process Tom Latham is proposing is just another smoke screen to keep the people at bay. The people of the 4th Congressional District deserve far better.

It is time the 4th Congressional District have a representative to the Congress of the United States who possesses the courage and integrity needed to be honest with the people. The people have a right to know just exactly what their representative believes, and they have a right to know that there is consistency between their representative’s words and actions. This consistency requires moral and political courage. It requires a representative who truly sees public service as a higher calling. I offer the people of the 4th Congressional District my service.

Don’t let your current representative take you for granted. Support my candidacy and work for real change in Washington. Together, we can and will do better!

~ Bill